SE: Confidence

Confidence Youths especially talented in the Confidence theme believe in themselves and their ability to be successful in their endeavors.

  • Strengthsfinder Link: Self assurance, Discipline, Command, Significance
  • VIA Link: Perseverance, self regulation, Leadership

Five ways to develop Confidence

  1. Target one area to improve your skill. Use the 21 day habit builder to help you. 
  2. Keep a Victory Log–a record of your accomplishments
  3. Perform a SWOT analysis
  4. Reflect on your weaknesses, but focus on your strengths. 
  5. Take risks



David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence


Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability

Mind tools explains How to build self Confidence. 

Lifehacker has an incredible list of 63 ways to be more confident.

Roadtrip nation has a very engaging series focusing on Confidence.  

Here is a great set of tips to build your confidence from Steve Errey, a confidence coach

Read more about Growing the Strengths Explorer Theme of Confidence from Strengths School 

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