SE: Discoverer

Discoverer Youths especially talented in the Discoverer theme tend to be very curious and like to ask “Why?” and “How?”

  • Strengthsfinder Link: Curiosity, Love of Learning and Creativity.
  • VIA Link: Learner, Context and Analytical

Five ways to develop Discoverer

  1. Play. Discovers are curious sorts and curious sorts are often at their best when they play. 
  2. Learn. So many extraordinary courses are avilable at places like Coursera and Itunes U. Thousands of great lectures at TED and ThinkBig.
  3. Travel. So many cultures, so much history. See it all before you die. 
  4. Discover yourself, your strengths
  5. Read. There are great questions that others have already explored. Stand on their Shoulders. This is an incredible list.


These students are thinkers and learners who are excited about exploring ideas and making connections. They ask questions “How?” and “Why?”

How to help students talented in Discoverer…

 Ask these students what they are working on, inside or outside the classroom. What are these student’s favorite new idea of the week? What could you do to support their explorations?

 Observe and ask how these students like to learn. Use this information to keep them asking “How?” and “Why?” Show interest in what these students are working on by watching, being inquisitive, or lending a “helping hand” when needed.

 Sometimes interest in a subject is intense, but short-lived. Start with a list of possible subjects to explore, but let the students guide the topics and suggest new ones. For Discoverers, the thrill is in starting something new, so they may be ready to move on to the next exciting project rather than finish the old one.

 There are many ways to explore and learn. Allow students to use different approaches like reading, experimenting, construction, deconstruction, and field trips will integrate and deepen learning.

Stuart Brown: Play is more than just fun

Professor Todd Kashdan ‘The Curiosity Advantage’

Read more about Growing the Strengths Explorer Theme of Discoverer from Strengths School

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