Strengths Profile: Motivating

Motivating — includes:


  • You feel compelled to act immediately and decisively, being keen to learn as you go.


  • You love to take risks and stretch yourself outside your comfort zone.

    • See Gallup’s XXX and VIA’s Bravery


  • You use setbacks as springboards to go on and achieve even more.

    • See Gallup’s XXX and VIA’s YYY


  • You love to motivate and inspire others to make things happen.

    • See Gallup’s XXX and VIA’s YYY

Change Agent,

  • You are constantly involved with change, advocating for change and making it happen.

    • See Gallup’s XXX and VIA’s YYY


  • You are constantly competing to win, wanting to perform better and be the best.


  • You are very self-motivated, pushing yourself hard to achieve what you want out of life.

    • See Gallup’s Achiever and VIA’s YYY


  • You are always looking for ways to grow and develop, whatever you are doing.


  • You constantly look for better ways of doing things and how things can be improved.


  • You achieve success by keeping going, particularly when things are difficult.


  • You take hardships in your stride, recovering quickly and getting on with things again.

    • See Gallup’s XXX and VIA’s Hope


  • You are confident in your own abilities, knowing that you can achieve your goals.

Work Ethic

  • You are very hard working, putting a lot of effort into everything you do.