Strengths Explorer

The Clifton Strengths Explorer is a tool developed by Gallup for Students grade 5 to 10. Soon to be available for FREE for Naviance users. Students take the assessment which consists of 76 paired comparison items that requires about 15 minutes to complete. Upon completion, Strengths Explorer will generate a top 3 from the ten talents Gallup has identified:

Achieving Youths especially talented in the Achieving theme like to accomplish things and have a great deal of energy.

Caring Youths especially talented in the Caring theme enjoy helping others.

Competing Youths especially talented in the Competing theme enjoy measuring their performance against that of others and have a great desire to win.

Confidence Youths especially talented in the Confidence theme believe in themselves and their ability to be successful in their endeavors.

Dependability Youths especially talented in the Dependability theme keep their promises and show a high level of responsibility.

Discoverer Youths especially talented in the Discoverer theme tend to be very curious and like to ask “Why?” and “How?”

Future Thinker Youths especially talented in the Future Thinker theme tend to think about what’s possible beyond the present time, even beyond their lifetime.

Organizer Youths especially talented in the Organizer theme are good at scheduling, planning, and organizing.

Presence Youths especially talented in the Presence theme like to tell stories and be at the center of attention.

Relating Youths especially talented in the Relating theme are good at establishing meaningful friendships and maintaining them.

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