Check out your emotional reading skills.

The New York Times if offering up a face reading emotions test. “Curious to see how you do on a test of emotional perception?”

You can take the test here. Readers comments note that all the women are young and several have “sexy” type eyes–Flirtaticous, Fantasizing or interested, whereas none such eyes exist in the men. Moreover, the men include ones that are old.

1 day training opportunity

I will be giving a pre-conference 1 day training in Bangkok for teachers, counselors and administrators in March 2014:

Title: Flourishing in Schools: Utilizing groundbreaking research and tools from positive psychology to improve student’s wellbeing. 

There has been a quiet transformation happening in some schools around the world as they focus on the conditions under which students, parents and faculty flourish? How do we improve student engagement? How can we better address our communities well-being? What is positive education and how does it impact student learning? Deep questions, but with some very compelling and surprisingly simple ideas to address them. In this workshop, we will look into the current research from positive psychology and its implications for teachers, counselors and administrators. The day will have lots of interactive activities and demonstration giving participants tools that they can use in their own communities.

1 day training opportunity

I will be giving a pre-conference 1 day training in Bangkok for teachers, counselors and administrators in March 2014:

Title: Flourishing in Schools: Utilizing groundbreaking research and tools from positive psychology to improve student’s wellbeing. 

There has been a quiet transformation happening in some schools around the world as they focus on the conditions under which students, parents and faculty flourish? How do we improve student engagement? How can we better address our communities well-being? What is positive education and how does it impact student learning? Deep questions, but with some very compelling and surprisingly simple ideas to address them. In this workshop, we will look into the current research from positive psychology and its implications for teachers, counselors and administrators. The day will have lots of interactive activities and demonstration giving participants tools that they can use in their own communities.