A brief review of the Strengths Profile

#Strengths Together

The Strengths Profile (formerly the REALISE2) from CAPPInfinity is long established and well-respected assessment along with Gallup’s CliftonStrengths (formerly Clifton Strengthsfinder) and VIA Character Strengths. Unlike the other two, its reports not just the strengths you use, but your unrealised strengths , your learned behaviorĀ and your weakness.

Normally, the Strengths Profile costs 10 Pounds, but CAPPinfinity wants everyone to better know their strengths during this global crisis so is giving the assessment away for free.

How it works?

Simply create your account using an email. Take the assessment. You will need about 20 minutes to go through the 180 questions. Each question asks for your level of agreement with a statement like this one:

This is from early in the assessment when they are reviewing your performance. Next they ask questions about Use and finally energy. The questions are not timed and you can go backwards if you need to.

What you get

Once completed they ask a few research questions before generating your report.

For each strength (they identify 7 from 60 possibilities), they give you a definition and advice on using it wisely.

For unrealised strengths (again they identify 7), they present the definition and a suggestion for how to use it more.

Learned behaviors are things you do well, but perhaps do not energize you and thus they advise using sparingly. Here they list four.

And finally, here is a strengths assessment that actually labels weaknesses–ie that which de-energize you. Here they give you a manageable 3.

Many of the 60 strengths look similar to either Gallups or VIAs but others are wholly unique. More on that in a future post.

I have always been intrigued by the idea of unrealised strengths–something that perhaps with coaching you can more actively leverage. Likewise, identify weaknesses not to fix them or even management them, but rather work through them by leverage your strengths and partnering with people with their own strengths.

I was also super excited that they now provide a career guide (included in this month’s free offering), identifying six careers based on your strengths:

and even a couple from their unrealised strengths:

You can learn more about the Career Guide in this webinar:

In addition they are posting strengths tips for two strengths per day throughout the 30 days of April, thereby covering the full 60 strengths of Strengths Profile.

I cannot recommend it enough.

#Strengths Together